Successful Developments: Yours & Mine
Thursday, September 10, 2009
What is Your Hot Button?
I've been moving my off-line business to an on-line media format. Or to be more specific, I've been building my new WordPress web site.
Tonight, I posted an article about how passionate I am about working on development projects. And have answered the question I now pose to you... "What is your Hot Button?"
You can read the article here at my WordPress GFB Services web site.
When you feel compelled to comment, please do not hesitate... and be passionate about it.
Until next time...
Girard Frank Bolton, III.
The Developers Advocate
p.s. - While you're at GFB Services new web site, check out my new "About" and "Testimonials" pages. - gfb3
p.p.s. - And if you want to look over my shoulder and occasionally chat with me... follow me at Twitter. - @gfb3
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Does the U.S. Government have the right to convert to Socialism? You Decide!
In an effort to rescue the economy, the U.S. Government has taken the stance that if capitalism is having problems, socialism is the answer to the situation.
Although it is a harder road to travel... I believe that tough love is the answer.
I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs. - Thomas Jefferson, (Attributed)
When a parent decides to bail out a child (instead of making them face the consequences of their actions) the parent becomes an enabler and the child becomes a dependent.
Same situation with the government.
I don't know about you, but I don't want to pay for the results of the "take-overs" and "socialistic" actions that the U.S. Citizens will eventually pay for.
The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it always to be kept alive. - Thomas Jefferson
Share this with anyone you think will get involved in this self-destructive situation.
We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate. - Thomas Jefferson
Until next time...
Girard Frank Bolton, III.
The Developers Advocate
Follow me at - gfb3
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Mr. Orson Wells on the Development of Our United States of America
Today, I was reminded of some of the development events (and the Spirits) that lead our nation to become the greatest nation on the planet we call earth.
Mr. Wells took a moment out of his busy schedule to record his thoughts of reflection and praise... so we might know one of the back stories of what Our Nation has experienced so that we may be able to have the capability to enjoy the life we live today.
Hope you enjoyed it!
Share this with everyone who needs a reminder of the early Spirit of the United States of America.
Until next time...
Girard Frank Bolton, III.
The Developers Advocate
p.s. - I'm spending a lot of time on a social network aka as a micro-blog in the cyberspace more commonly called the twitterverse ... so Follow me at - gfb3
Friday, February 13, 2009
George Bush tried to Warn Congress in 2002 that Economic Crisis Was Coming
If you remember, I wrote an article about the Housing Situation on July 28, 2008:
Today, I got a very interesting email saying the current economic situation was predicted and discussed by the U.S. Government in 2002.
"Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Dems of financial and housing crisis; meltdown"
"This video shows that George Bush tried to warn Congress in 2002 that this economic crisis was coming, if something was not done. But congress refused to listen, along with Barney Franks. This video says it all .
Also, the liberal AMERICAN media did not want this video on You Tube, so they had Time Warner threaten a law suit (proprietary rights) if it was not taken off.
This link is of the same video but is routed through Canada . Everyone in America needs to see this!"
As you can see... this situation did not happen overnight and will not get fixed overnight either.
Until next time...
Girard Frank Bolton, III.
The Developers Advocate
p.s. - New Information: from twitter member @jmb_recommends: interesting chart created for members of congress listing various causes of the economic crisis: per @planetmoney - gfb3
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Speech: Barack Obama 44th U.S. President - A New Chapter in U.S. History
Today the world saw the 44th President of the United States being sworn into office.
Barack Obama is the first person of color to lead the United States of America.
He has given many people inspiration to improve their lives while increasing their self-esteem.
Listen to the words President Obama says during his inauguration speech... his words hold much truth.
Even though I did not vote for Barack Obama... he has shown me that he is up to the job of leading our nation.
He has positioned some of the best people in his cabinet... and has taken initiative to put in action the steps that I believe will guide for our nation out of the current economic situation.
Watch our President closely... listen to what he says... but don't stop at being an observer... become involved and take action when your Spirit feels compelled.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
My friend Willie Crawford sent me a Private Invitation.
He also said it was OK to share it with YOU!
Sooo... I'll get straight to the point...
You're Invited to The New Year Giveaway
I'll be posting more soon... keep tuned... and subscribe for more good stuff!!!
Until next time...
Girard Frank Bolton, III.
The Developers Advocate
McCullough Residence designed by GFB3
GFB3 Consulting
GFB3 Blog Archive
- ► January 2010 (1)
- ► February 2009 (2)
January 2009
- Words cannot describe... You've got to see http://...
- Speech: Barack Obama 44th U.S. President - A New C...
- just signed up for an Architectural/Construction w...
- wondering what is important to you in 2009??? http...
- ATTN MARKETERS: said the Top 10 New Yea...
- finding President-Elect Obama's 1/3/2009 video ver...
- .Developers:My friend Willie Crawford sent me a Pr...
- watching the final minutes of 2008 tick away... en...
- ► December 2008 (15)
- ► November 2008 (7)
- ► October 2008 (2)
- ► September 2008 (3)
- ► August 2008 (14)