Have you ever had a thought that developed a life of it's own?
It happens to me all the time.
Take for instance... I was talking with some acquaintances about a year ago, and mentioned the neighborhood needed another restaurant.
But, it had to have an image that restricted access and have specialty events to make it stand out from the status quo.
We exchanged some thoughts and came up with enough ideas to start three different business enterprises.
I thought the brain-storming session was a complete success and began to look for investors for the projects.
Several weeks later, I was driving past a restaurant that had been vacant for over a year, and noticed activity.
This was one of the locations we had discussed to be the perfect spot for any of the three businesses.
I was disappointed that it had been yanked out from our choices, but I was curious to see what the new owner would develop in this old "Quincy's Restaurant" facility.
After Quincy's closed and sold the property, it opened under several restaurant names, but they too closed eventually.
The current business owner seemed to be doing all the right things. I noticed the business names on the vehicles parked in the parking lot. Contractors of all sorts.
The windows were darkened and the building got a face lift by the contractors. Then I started noticing a couple of stretch limos in the parking lot.
I kept waiting on the sign to be replaced, but as of today, the steel frame remains empty without a business logo.
There is no indication as to whether it is a private club, lounge, restaurant, or banquet facility. Nor is there any clue as to the hours they are open for business.
I haven't visited the establishment nor have I met the owner(s). The parking lot is never full, and I do see some activity when a limo or two and several cars are in the parking lot.
Hopefully the business will succeed. The community has had some economic ups and downs. However, the current trend seems to be on an improvement climb.
I suspect that either someone in that initial brainstorming session, or somebody one of us discussed the project, found the idea to be good enough to take action.
Or, this is further proof that great minds think alike.
Either way, the final result should be the same... An improved community in which to enjoy our lives.
What idea has taken on a life of it's own in your life? Did someone else take action on it before you did, or did you put it into action yourself?
Until next time...
Consultant Girard Frank Bolton, III.
The Developers Advocate
p.s. - If you would like to review the summary of the three business projects we believe would return a decent return on our investments, just ask, and I will email the summary to you. - gfb3
p.p.s. - Remember: Before making final personal, business and social development decisions, make sure you do your own research and consult with your trusted advisers. - gfb3
Running late
6 years ago
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